A teacher, parents and small child sit around a table chatting and looking at paperwork. Above, is the title: Communication: Buidling Relationships for Learning.

Communication: Building Relationships for Learning.

We hear the word "communication" a lot. It is key to building relationships between school and home. From our work here at Mouse Club, we know that how we communicate is most important and that all parents respond to friendly, informal, and personalised communication.

When schools adopt a corporate approach to communication, it can be difficult for parents to respond. Sending out blanket information addressed to 'all' or 'everybody' can make parents feel that it doesn't apply to them, leading them to believe that they don't need to respond. If people don't see the relevance to themselves or their families, they may not be interested."

It is important to try to get to know parents and use their names instead of labelling them as "John's mum" or "Aliya's dad." This helps to see parents as individuals. Similarly, if it's okay for parents to call you by your first name, let them know. This can help break down barriers and make parents feel more comfortable, fostering a sense of partnership between school staff and parents in educating their child.

Parents respond well when you ask them how they prefer you to communicate with them. Ask how they would like to be addressed and the best way to keep in touch. It's important to be clear about what you'll be communicating to them. Make it clear that you want to engage in conversations not only about challenges but also about learning and behaviours related to learning. This is a crucial message to convey.

When it comes to parental engagement, it's important for teaching professionals to listen more and talk less. Teachers often have a lot of tasks to juggle and may rush through communications with parents, which can make parents feel overwhelmed and unheard. It's worth considering whether to listen first and then respond, as this approach fosters a sense of partnership and equality between teachers and parents, rather than one party having more power than the other.

Early engagement is vital to making parents feel reassured and supported. Parents often feel anxious at Early Years transition points, but they are still eager to be involved in their child’s learning and development. This is a crucial time to reach out to parents, engage them, and provide the support they need. By doing so, you can help them feel reassured and supported and begin to establish a strong two-way relationship.

Mouse Club gives you the tools to establish a friendly communication strategy at the earliest point. Use it to share information that helps parents ensure their child settles down and does well. First impressions count, and this is a key time to clarify what is expected of parents and understand what they expect of you. Building positive relationships for learning helps improve communication and resolves problems early.

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